Tuesday, May 22, 2007

steel hook bit inhalf biggrouper jr nurse 31 fishcaught

the sky was blue, nice and windy yet comfortable, a couple from Tennesse could not believe their eyes as they netted a large grouper. Another happy couple play with a jr nurse shark. We also battled something for a bit with the new hook that I bought yesterday it was bit clear in half, wow thats some sharp teeth. When we got back to the dock we all feed the large tarpons out of our hands, a nurse shark wanted some but no one dared to feed it by hand. The tarpons ate over 31 fish that we had caught today, only two other boats went out today so they were hungry that I thought they were going to come up on the dock to get feed. There were tarpons everyplace we saw them mating at the end of the channel and out at the reef lately. (see pics captain's album of couple holding the grouper and man standing with jr nurse)

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