Tuesday, May 26, 2009

swimming with jacks nursesharks turtles goodfishing

What a thrill looking on both side of you (all around you), nurse sharks and yellow jacks teaming up on the unsuspecting prey. Swimming alongside, you have become one with the school and joined a hunting party.

this nurse shark in above picture charged me ,I have had this happen before its scary but very thrilling Swimming with my turtle bud was great, he posed for a few shots, he seemed happy and quite full. Seeing how there was jellyfish everyplace, just the clear egg shaped ones, harmless to us but a tasty treat for my turtle bud.

Tomorrow in the morning the Vandenberg will be sunk to make the most expensive, biggest warm water artificial reefs in the world.

Nice how its right next to my fishing and dive site, right in my own back yard. You can see it in the background while snorkeling. The girl with the camera mask is snorkeling in front of the Vandenberg.

I took another picture at my fishing spot, its a big white surveillance ship. We were the first to snorkel in the same water as her, since the tugs just arrived with her.

Fishing, we came in with a dozen or more fish. The Vandenberg wreck should be a great new spot for fishing, come join me.

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