The Sambo smiled at us today swimming through her kingdom of magnificence, bright colored fishes like flowers in a mural of sea splendor. We chatted for a moment while treading water, I said wow, did you see that's 165 pound tarpon and everybody yelled out, but did you see this. Its so cool that you can be right next to one another and still see stuff no one else saw. You find out for sure, when we chat later on it always amazes me, the things people see in this magical part of the sea, off key west defiantly good to have a camera. The fishing was interesting a giant green moray eel was brought to the boat the ladies prefed not to admit his slithering slimmy fish aboard the yacht Delphine. A huge fish came up behind the yacht and ate our live bait fish, unfortunately he bit of a steel wire leter, next time I will bring out the real heavy stuff. Bite that off Mr big fish. Come join me and watch the big fish not succeed, instead be our tropy photo opp. I am installing a three hundered pound cargo winch, you will look great standing next to him join me.
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