Thursday, August 23, 2007

the atlantic lay down it was play land for fish and us l

Dolphins everyplace, surprising us left and right. The wind from Dean left the island waters restored, a colorful coral garden. This playground we plunged into surrounded us in perfect water temperature with an abundance of fish. There were schools of blue runners that looked like they were out for a stroll, about the reef with mom and pop. Also the yellow tails huddling tightly, just chilling, feeling safe hiding amongst themselves. Lots of angels, parrots, nibbling on, a black dragon school wondering aimlessly.

The fishing rods did some bending today. The dolphins swam all around, some divers were near by, even a turtle came by to say hi. Hooked some tricky big fish, we filled the bucket with fish for the tarpon feeding, think you would feed on of these 100 pound plus tarpons by hand?

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