Monday, May 28, 2007
water turned electric blue as if plugged in boca chica
Sunday, May 27, 2007
lots of really big eyes comunicate to us from below
Friday, May 25, 2007
human like sharks mouth of atlantic party with couple
We caught lots of fish today like snappers, blue runers and blue stripped. A party couple from Milwalkee brought up a couple of sharks for a photo op before they were realeased. It was very comfortable lounging around some of us drank some beers, smoked some butts and laughed alot. The happy nurse gave and held his best smile for the camera, gave us all hugs and put its fin around us to say "your my good buds". We where shocked and amazed in the change in facial expresions when I grabed a knife and mentioned how tastey nurse shark is, just kidding I put the knife down the shark smiled and "gurguled" with relief. We almost caught a tarpon, just saw his silver back so instead we feed a 200 pound tarpon who snapped a fish out of the female passenger's hand. You could hear her thrilled excited happy scream for miles.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
steel hook bit inhalf biggrouper jr nurse 31 fishcaught
the sky was blue, nice and windy yet comfortable, a couple from Tennesse could not believe their eyes as they netted a large grouper. Another happy couple play with a jr nurse shark. We also battled something for a bit with the new hook that I bought yesterday it was bit clear in half, wow thats some sharp teeth. When we got back to the dock we all feed the large tarpons out of our hands, a nurse shark wanted some but no one dared to feed it by hand. The tarpons ate over 31 fish that we had caught today, only two other boats went out today so they were hungry that I thought they were going to come up on the dock to get feed. There were tarpons everyplace we saw them mating at the end of the channel and out at the reef lately. (see pics captain's album of couple holding the grouper and man standing with jr nurse)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
3boys and there mom battle 95pound nurse joyfully
the family loved the ride to the reef they saw some sea turtles, once we got there they all jumped in and swept some of the reef holding hands. The parents left the kids with me and took off on the sea doos for a spin. next we left the sanctary, fishing was unreal . We all laughed when I said this should be called catching not fishing as we filled the bucket with fish for lots of hungry tarpons up to 250 pounds each, just waiting to be feed by hand. Nice nurse shark 95 pounds caught. It's always nice to see these sharks that I catch swim happly away. I use nets and try not to hurt the nurse sharks, they are my friends, although you would never know it the way this shark today slapped me with his tail hard over and over. He did not like hanging by a rope, he kept lifting up his head at us while the boat rocked. We had to get back to port so no one swam with him after we let him go. (see the picture in the Capt Album and the one feeding the tarpons and the boy in the red shirt)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
85 pound fish caught folks from Toledo Ohio rejoyced
the tide was crazy, high moon tide. A couple who were married yesterday went out in the morning and caught a cuda, also a huge yellow tail that they planned to bring with them to a restraunt to have cooked. The afternoon charter was from Ohio, a party of six, they landed an 85 pound nurse shark and caught over 25 fish. Lots of coronas were consumed, they jumped off the yacht and laughed and played like happy kids.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
calm no waves seen for as far as the eye could sea
Real calm clear blue water today. I was looking down over the stern 10 feet down to the ocean floor, plain as day as if the water was air. Lots of yellow tails, chubs, a couple of sharks and a nice green monster. see capt photo album
Friday, May 11, 2007
turtle with us for 5min queenfrenchangelssharktarpon
I headed to the reef with two girls, one girl tagging along on my seadoo and the other girl on the other seadoo I own. I brought my spare air around my neck, fish everyplace nice parrots, good visabilitywe floated upon a nurse shark under a coral ledge. Amanda swam down looked curiuosly at the shark lounging, we saw a large tarpon swim by, a small sea turtle with a queen and french angel following it. Wow it was huge, chilling with us for 5 minutes they all seemed so curious. It's mating season out at the reef, doing the fish nasty. (Check out the two girls holding the yellowtails in the Captain's Album.)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
boy age five catches 19fish brothers 4and7 hook lots
incredible blue clear water surrounds key west, unleasing trillions of fish to swim happly around the divers. i looked around 10s feet down beneath it was the grand canyon only coral in a smaller scale, to see so far while beneath the ocean is truely awsome. (see the 5yr old who caught 19 fish he is holding a yellowtail in the capt's album)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
ops tarpons almost head butt me wile snorkeling
waters toasty and nice. sea looks clear with all this sun shinning down through it. wow sunset turned the outside light redish, really sweet. snorkeling around my yacht and around the pier 12 feet down I came face to face with two big tarpons. what a surprise look we had on our faces.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
redsky at night sailors delight redsky morning warning
I have looked hard to find the most awesome reef in the Keys. i found it 7 miles south of key west, its magical, some of THE BEST SNORKELING IN THE WORLD and fishing. one fish we caught just missed the world's record by 7 ounces. fishing lately should be called catching, wow fish practically jumping in the boat, we never caught less than 3 fish on a charter
Sunday, May 6, 2007
75% the word is covered water god intensions clear
A light breeze blows fills the sails of my sailboat, the Seadart. Nice day playing around at the mouth of the Boca Chica channel, the Atlantic ocean showed super neat happy briliant colors.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
may 5th 07
Girl french kisses nurse shark, looses tongue, hehhehe
Girl catches really nice barracuda see my capt's clear fish infested waters yippy
Girl catches really nice barracuda see my capt's clear fish infested waters yippy
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